Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

MATA KULIAH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SMT 5.docx - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh - MATA KULIAH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SMT 5.docx

MATA KULIAH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SMT 5.docx - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh - <a href="" target="_blank">MATA KULIAH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN SMT 5.docx</a>

Senin, 12 September 2011

Sabtu, 10 September 2011


PERTEMUAN I ULUMUL HADITS.docx - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh - PERTEMUAN I ULUMUL HADITS.docx

PERTEMUAN I ULUMUL HADITS.docx - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh - <a href="" target="_blank">PERTEMUAN I ULUMUL HADITS.docx</a>

BROTHER'S_CITY- Dinda.mp3 - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh - BROTHER'S_CITY- Dinda.mp3

BROTHER'S_CITY- Dinda.mp3 - - penyimpanan dan berbagi-pakai file online - unduh - <a href="" target="_blank">BROTHER'S_CITY- Dinda.mp3</a>

Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Pesan !!!

Naluri berbicara kita akan mencintai yang memuja kita, tetapi tidak selalu mencintai yang kita puja.

Kamis, 14 Juli 2011


Kejujuran adalah perhiasan jiwa yang lebih bercahaya daripada berlian

Belajar tanpa berpikir tidak ada gunanya, sedangkan berpikir tanpa belajar adalah berbahaya.

Cinta kepada Allah adalah puncaknya cinta. Lembahnya cinta adalah cinta kepada sesama.

Keluhuran budi pekerti akan tampak pada ucapan dan tindakan.

Orang yang berjiwa besar teguh pendiriannya, tetapi tidak keras kepala.

Ulurkan cintamu karena Tuhanmu dan tariklah cintamu karena Tuhanmu, anda tentu tak akan kecewa.

Cinta indah seperti bertepuk dua tangan, tak akan indah jika hanya sebelah saja.

Naluri berbicara kita akan mencintai yang memuja kita, tetapi tidak selalu mencintai yang kita puja.

Melihatlah ke atas untuk urusan akhiratmu dan melihatlah ke bawah untuk urusan duniamu maka hidup akan tenteram.

Seseorang yang oprimis akan melihat adanya kesempatan dalam setiap malapetaka, sedangkan orang pesimis melihat malapetaka dalam setiap kesempatan.

Ingatlah, boleh jadi manusia itu mencintai sesuatu yang membahayakan dirinya atau membenci sesuatu yang bermanfaat baginya. Mohonlah petunjuk-Nya.

Sahabat yang sejati adalah orang yang dapat berkata benar kepada anda, bukan orang yang hanya membenarkan kata-kata anda.

Bekerja atas dorongan cinta akan terasa senang tiada jemu dan lelah.

Orang besar menempuh jalan kearah tujuan melalui rintangan dan kesukaran yang hebat.

Berbuat baiklah kepada orang lain seperti berbuat baik kepada diri sendiri.

Orang besar bukan orang yang otaknya sempurna tetapi orang yang mengambil sebaik-baiknya dari otak yang tidak sempurna.

Memperbaiki diri adalah alat yang ampuh untuk memperbaiki orang lain.

Jika seseorang tidak mencintai anda janganlah dia anda benci, karena mungkin akan tumbuh benih cinta kembali.

Cinta akan menggilas setiap orang yang mengikuti geraknya, tetapi tanpa gilasan cinta, hidup tiada terasa indah.

Bukan kecerdasan anda, melainkan sikap andalah yang yang akan mengangkat anda dalam kehidupan.

Perjuangan seseorang akan banyak berarti jika mulai dari diri sendiri.

Jika rasa cinta terbalas, maka bersyukurlah karena Allah telah memberikan hidup lebih berharga dengan belas Kasih-Nya.

Dalam perkataan, tidak mengapa anda merendahkan diri, tetapi dalam aktivitas tunjukkan kemampuan Anda.

Tegas berbeda jauh dengan kejam. Tegas itu mantap dalam kebijaksana sedangkan kejam itu keras dalam kesewenang-wenangan.

Jika rasa cinta itu tak terbalas maka bersukurlah, karena anda akan dipilihkan Allah yang lebih baik.

Watak keras belum tentu bisa tegas, tetapi lemah lembut tak jarang bisa tegas.

Sifat orang yang berlilmu tinggi adalah merendahkan hari kepada manusia dan takut kepada Tuhan.

Contoh yang baik adalah nasehat terbaik (Fuller)

Jika kita melayani, maka hidup akan lebih berarti (John Gardne)

Apabila di dalam diri seseorang masih ada rasa malu dan takut untuk berbuat suatu kebaikan, maka jaminan bagi orang tersebut adalah tidak akan bertemunya ia dengan kemajuan selangkah pun. - Bung Karno

Kita semua hidup dalam ketegangan, dari waktu ke waktu, serta dari hari ke hari; dengan kata lain, kita adalah pahlawan dari cerita kita sendiri. - Mary Mccarthy

Tiga sifat manusia yang merusak adalah, kikir yang dituruti, hawa nafsu yang diikuti, serta sifat mengagumi diri sendiri yang berlebihan. - Nabi Muhammad Saw

Apa yang nampak sebagai suatu kemurahan hati, sering sebenarnya tiada lain daripada ambisi yang terselubung, yang mengabaikan kepentingan-kepentingan kecil untuk mengejar kepentingan- kepentingan yang lebih besar. - La Roucefoucauld

Semua yang dimulai dengan rasa marah, akan berakhir dengan rasa malu. - Benjamin Franklin

Hati yang penuh syukur, bukan saja merupakan kebajikan yang terbesar, melainkan merupakan pula induk segala kebajikan yang lain. - Cicero

Orang yang berhasil akan mengambil manfaat dari kesalahan-kesalahan yang ia lakukan, dan akan mencoba kembali untuk melakukan dalam suatu cara yang berbeda. - Dale Carnegie

Istilah tidak ada waktu, jarang sekali merupakan alasan yang jujur, karena pada dasarnya kita semuanya memiliki waktu 24 jam yang sama setiap harinya. Yang perlu ditingkatkan ialah membagi waktu dengan lebih cermat. - George Downing

Ancaman nyata sebenarnya bukan pada saat komputer mulai bisa berpikir seperti manusia, tetapi ketika manusia mulai berpikir seperti komputer. - Sydney Harris

Pahlawan bukanlah orang yang berani menetakkan pedangnya ke pundak lawan, tetapi pahlawan sebenarnya ialah orang yang sanggup menguasai dirinya dikala ia marah. - Nabi Muhammad Saw

Cara untuk menjadi di depan adalah memulai sekarang. Jika memulai sekarang, tahun depan Anda akan tahu banyak hal yang sekarang tidak diketahui, dan Anda tak akan mengetahui masa depan jika Anda menunggu-nunggu. - William Feather

Dalam masalah hati nurani, pikiran pertamalah yang terbaik. Dalam masalah kebijaksanaan, pemikiran terakhirlah yang paling baik. - Robert Hall

Belajarlah dari kesalahan orang lain. Anda tak dapat hidup cukup lama untuk melakukan semua kesalahan itu sendiri. - Martin Vanbee

Orang-orang hebat di bidang apapun bukan baru bekerja karena mereka terinspirasi, namun mereka menjadi terinspirasi karena mereka lebih suka bekerja. Mereka tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu untuk menunggu inspirasi. - Ernest Newman

Orang-orang yang sukses telah belajar membuat diri mereka melakukan hal yang harus dikerjakan ketika hal itu memang harus dikerjakan, entah mereka menyukainya atau tidak. - Aldus Huxley

Kebanyakan dari kita tidak mensyukuri apa yang sudah kita miliki, tetapi kita selalu menyesali apa yang belum kita capai. - Schopenhauer

Musuh yang paling berbahaya di atas dunia ini adalah penakut dan bimbang. Teman yang paling setia, hanyalah keberanian dan keyakinan yang teguh. - Andrew Jackson

Sesuatu yang belum dikerjakan, seringkali tampak mustahil; kita baru yakin kalau kita telah berhasil melakukannya dengan baik. - Evelyn Underhill

Perbuatan-perbuatan salah adalah biasa bagi manusia, tetapi perbuatan pura-pura itulah sebenarnya yang menimbulkan permusuhan dan pengkhianatan. - Johan Wolfgang Goethe

Jika orang berpegang pada keyakinan, maka hilanglah kesangsian. Tetapi, jika orang sudah mulai berpegang pada kesangsian, maka hilanglah keyakinan. - Sir Francis Bacon

Karena manusia cinta akan dirinya, tersembunyilah baginya aib dirinya; tidak kelihatan olehnya walaupun nyata. Kecil di pandangnya walaupun bagaimana besarnya. - Jalinus At Thabib

Bersikaplah kukuh seperti batu karang yang tidak putus-putus-nya dipukul ombak. Ia tidak saja tetap berdiri kukuh, bahkan ia menenteramkan amarah ombak dan gelombang itu. - Marcus Aurelius

Kita melihat kebahagiaan itu seperti pelangi, tidak pernah berada di atas kepala kita sendiri, tetapi selalu berada di atas kepala orang lain. - Thomas Hardy

Kaca, porselen dan nama baik, adalah sesuatu yang gampang sekali pecah, dan tak akan dapat direkatkan kembali tanpa meninggalkan bekas yang nampak. - Benjamin Franklin

Keramahtamahan dalam perkataan menciptakan keyakinan, keramahtamahan dalam pemikiran menciptakan kedamaian, keramahtamahan dalam memberi menciptakan kasih. - Lao Tse

Hiduplah seperti pohon kayu yang lebat buahnya; hidup di tepi jalan dan dilempari orang dengan batu, tetapi dibalas dengan buah. - Abu Bakar Sibli

Rahmat sering datang kepada kita dalam bentuk kesakitan, kehilangan dan kekecewaan; tetapi kalau kita sabar, kita segera akan melihat bentuk aslinya. - Joseph Addison

Bagian terbaik dari hidup seseorang adalah perbuatan-perbuatan baiknya dan kasihnya yang tidak diketahui orang lain. - William Wordsworth

Kita berdoa kalau kesusahan dan membutuhkan sesuatu, mestinya kita juga berdoa dalam kegembiraan besar dan saat rezeki melimpah. - Kahlil Gibran

Semua orang tidak perlu menjadi malu karena pernah berbuat kesalahan, selama ia menjadi lebih bijaksana daripada sebelumnya. - Alexander Pope

Teman sejati adalah ia yang meraih tangan anda dan menyentuh hati anda. - Heather Pryor

Banyak kegagalan dalam hidup ini dikarenakan orang-orang tidak menyadari betapa dekatnya mereka dengan keberhasilan saat mereka menyerah. - Thomas Alva Edison

Tiadanya keyakinanlah yang membuat orang takut menghadapi tantangan; dan saya percaya pada diri saya sendiri. - Muhammad Ali

Kebanggaan kita yang terbesar adalah bukan tidak pernah gagal, tetapi bangkit kembali setiap kali kita jatuh. - Confusius

Hiduplah seperti pohon kayu yang lebat buahnya; hidup di tepi jalan dan dilempari orang dengan batu, tetapi dibalas dengan buah. - Abu Bakar Sibli

Jadilah kamu manusia yang pada kelahiranmu semua orang tertawa bahagia, tetapi hanya kamu sendiri yang menangis; dan pada kematianmu semua orang menangis sedih, tetapi hanya kamu sendiri yang tersenyum. - Mahatma Gandhi

Senin, 20 Juni 2011




1- apabila harta negara hanya beredar di kalangan orang tertentu sahaja
2- apabila amanah dijadikan suatu sumber keuntungan
3- zakat dijadikan hutang
4- suami menurutkan kehendak isteri
5- anak derhaka terhadap ibunya
6- sedangkan dia berbaik-baik dengan kawan-kawannya
7- dia suka menjauhkan diri dari ayahnya
8- suara sudah ditinggikan di dalam masjid
9- yang menjadi ketua suatu kaum, adalah orang yang terhina di antara mereka
10- seseorang dimuliakan kerana ditakuti kejahatannya
11- Arak sudah diminum di merata tempat
12- kain sutera banyak dipakai oleh kaum lelaki
13- para artis disanjung-sanjung
14- muzik banyak dimainkan
15- generasi akhir umat ini menyalahkan generasi pertama (Para Sahabat)

Maka pada ketika itu hendaklah mereka menanti angin merah atau gempa bumi atau mereka akan diubah menjadi makhluk lain...........HR: Tirm


Amalan-amalan ini menjadi sebab Allah limpahi hamba-Nya dengan keluasan rezeki dan rasa kaya dengan pemberian-Nya. Berdasarkan konsep rezeki yang telah diperkatakan, Allah memberi jalan buat setiap hamba-Nya untuk memperolehi rezeki dalam pelbagai bentuk yang boleh menjadi punca kebaikan dunia dan akhirat. Di antaranya:

1. Menyempatkan diri beribadah
Allah tidak sia-siakan pengabdian diri hamba-Nya, seperti firman-Nya dalam hadis qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, sempatkanlah untuk menyembah-Ku maka Aku akan membuat hatimu kaya dan menutup kefakiranmu. Jika tidak melakukannya maka Aku akan penuhi tanganmu dengan kesibukan dan Aku tidak menutup kefakiranmu.” (Riwayat Ahmad, Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abu Hurairah r.a.)

2. Memperbanyak istighfar
Istighfar adalah rintihan dan pengakuan dosa seorang hamba di depan Allah , yang menjadi sebab Allah jatuh kasih dan kasihan pada hamba-Nya lalu Dia berkenan melapangkan jiwa dan kehidupan si hamba.
Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Barang siapa memperbanyak istighfar maka Allah s.w.t akan
menghapuskan segala kedukaannya, menyelesaikan segala masalahnya dan memberinya rezeki dari arah yang tidak disangka.” (Riwayat Ahmad,Abu Daud, an-Nasa’i, Ibnu Majah dan al-Hakim dari Abdullah bin Abbas r.a.)

3.Tinggalkan perbuatan dosa
Istighfar tidak laku di sisi Allah jika masih buat dosa. Dosa bukan saja membuat hati resah malah menutup pintu rezeki. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“… dan seorang lelaki akan diharamkan baginya rezeki kerana dosa yang dibuatnya.” (Riwayat at-Tirmizi)

4.Sentiasa ingat Allah
Banyak ingat Allah buatkan hati tenang dan kehidupan terasa lapang. Ini rezeki yang hanya Allah beri kepada orang beriman. Firman-Nya:
“(iaitu) orang-orang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah . Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenteram.” (Ar-Ra’d: 28)

5.Berbakti dan mendoakan ibu bapa
Dalam hadis riwayat Imam Ahmad, Rasulullah s.a.w. berpesan agar siapa yang ingin panjang umur dan ditambahi rezekinya, hendaklah berbakti kepada ibu bapanya dan menyambung tali kekeluargaan. Baginda s.a.w. juga bersabda:
“Siapa berbakti kepada ibu bapanya maka kebahagiaanlah buatnya dan Allah akan memanjangkan umurnya.” (Riwayat Abu Ya’ala, at-Tabrani,al-Asybahani dan al-Hakim)
Mendoakan ibu bapa juga menjadi sebab mengalirnya rezeki,
berdasarkan sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Apabila hamba itu meninggalkan berdoa kepada kedua orang tuanya nescaya terputuslah rezeki (Allah ) daripadanya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan ad-Dailami)

6.Berbuat baik dan menolong orang yang lemah
Berbuat baik kepada orang yang lemah ini termasuklah menggembirakan dan meraikan orang tua, orang sakit, anak yatim dan fakir miskin,juga isteri dan anak-anak yang masih kecil. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Tidaklah kamu diberi pertolongan dan diberi rezeki melainkan kerana orang-orang lemah di kalangan kamu.” (Riwayat Bukhari)

7.Tunaikan hajat orang lain
Menunaikan hajat orang menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan rezeki dalam bentuk tertunainya hajat sendiri, seperti sabda Nabi s.a.w.:
“Siapa yang menunaikan hajat saudaranya maka Allah akan menunaikan hajatnya…” (Riwayat Muslim)

8.Banyak berselawat
Ada hadis yang menganjurkan berselawat jika hajat atau cita-cita tidak tertunai kerana selawat itu dapat menghilangkan kesusahan,kesedihan, dan kesukaran serta meluaskan rezeki dan menyebabkan terlaksananya semua hajat. Wallahu a’lam.

9.Buat kebajikan banyak-banyak
Ibnu Abbas berkata:
“Sesungguhnya kebajikan itu memberi cahaya kepada hati, kemurahan rezeki, kekuatan jasad dan disayangi oleh makhluk yang lain.Manakala kejahatan pula boleh menggelapkan rupa, menggelapkan hati, melemahkan tubuh, sempit rezeki dan makhluk lain mengutuknya.”

Menurut Rasulullah s.a.w., berpagi-pagi (memulakan aktiviti hariansebaik-baik selesai solat Subuh berjemaah) adalah amalan yang berkat.

11.Menjalin silaturrahim
Nabi s.a.w. bersabda:
“Barang siapa ingin dilapangkan rezekinya dan dilambatkan ajalnya maka hendaklah dia menghubungi sanak-saudaranya.” (Riwayat Bukhari)

12.Melazimi kekal berwuduk
Seorang Arab desa menemui Rasulullah s.a.w. dan meminta pedoman mengenai beberapa perkara termasuk mahu dimurahkan rezeki oleh Allah . Baginda s.a.w. bersabda:
“Sentiasalah berada dalam keadaan bersih (dari hadas) nescaya Allah akan memurahkan rezeki.” (Diriwayatkan daripada Sayidina Khalid al-Walid)

Sedekah mengundang rahmat Allah dan menjadi sebab Allah buka pintu rezeki. Nabi s.a.w. bersabda kepada Zubair bin al-Awwam:
“Hai Zubair, ketahuilah bahawa kunci rezeki hamba itu ditentang Arasy, yang dikirim oleh Allah azza wajalla kepada setiap hamba sekadar nafkahnya. Maka siapa yang membanyakkan pemberian kepada orang lain, nescaya Allah membanyakkan baginya. Dan siapa yang menyedikitkan, nescaya Allah menyedikitkan baginya.” (Riwayat ad-Daruquthni dari Anas r.a.)

14.Melazimi solat malam (tahajud)
Ada keterangan bahawa amalan solat tahajjud memudahkan memperoleh rezeki, menjadi sebab seseorang itu dipercayai dan dihormati orang dan doanya dimakbulkan Allah

15.Melazimi solat Dhuha
Amalan solat Dhuha yang dibuat waktu orang sedang sibuk dengan urusan dunia (aktiviti harian), juga mempunyai rahsia tersendiri. Firman Allah dalam hadis qudsi:
“Wahai anak Adam, jangan sekali-kali engkau malas mengerjakan empat rakaat pada waktu permulaan siang (solat Dhuha), nanti pasti akan Aku cukupkan keperluanmu pada petang harinya.” (Riwayat al-Hakim dan Thabrani)

16.Bersyukur kepada Allah
Syukur ertinya mengakui segala pemberian dan nikmat dari Allah . Lawannya adalah kufur nikmat. Allah berfirman:
“Demi sesungguhnya! Jika kamu bersyukur, nescaya Aku tambahi nikmat-Ku kepadamu, dan demi sesungguhnya jika kamu kufur, sesungguhnya azab-Ku amat keras.” (Ibrahim: 7) Firman-Nya lagi: “… dan Kami akan memberi balasan kepada orang-orang yang bersyukur.” (Ali Imran: 145)

17.Mengamalkan zikir dan bacaan ayat Quran tertentu
Zikir dari ayat-ayat al-Quran atau asma’ul husna selain menenangkan, menjenihkan dan melunakkan hati, ia mengandungi fadilat khusus untuk keluasan ilmu, terbukanya pintu hidayah, dimudahkan faham agama, diberi kemanisan iman dan dilapangkan rezeki. Misalnya, dua ayat terakhir surah at-Taubah (ayat 128-129) jika dibaca secara konsisten tujuh kali setiap kali lepas solat, dikatakan boleh menjadi sebab Allah lapangkan kehidupan dan murahkan rezeki. Salah satu nama Allah , al-Fattah (Maha Membukakan) dikatakan dapat
menjadi sebab dibukakan pintu rezeki jika diwiridkan selalu;
misalnya dibaca “Ya Allah ya Fattah” berulang-ulang, diiringi
doa: “Ya Allah , bukalah hati kami untuk mengenali-Mu,bukalah
pintu rahmat dan keampunan-Mu, ya Fattah ya `Alim.” Ada juga hadis menyebut, siapa amalkan baca surah al-Waqi’ah setiap malam, diatidak akan ditimpa kepapaan. Wallahu a’lam.

Berdoa menjadikan seorang hamba dekat dengan Allah , penuh bergantung dan mengharap pada rahmat dan pemberian dari-Nya. Dalam al-Quran, Allah suruh kita meminta kepada-Nya, nescaya Dia akan perkenankan.

19.Berikhtiar sehabisnya
Siapa berusaha, dia akan dapat. Ini sunnatullah. Dalam satu hadis sahih dikatakan bahawa Allah berikan dunia kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya dan yang tidak dicintai-Nya, tapi agama hanya Allah
beri kepada orang yang dicintai-Nya saja. (Riwayat Ahmad, Ibnu Abi Syaibah dan al-Hakim)
Bagi orang beriman, tentulah dia perlu mencari sebab-sebab yang boleh membawa kepada murah rezeki dalam skop yang luas. Misalnya,hendak tenang dibacanya Quran, hendak dapat anak yang baik dididiknya sejak anak dalam rahim lagi, hendak sihat dijaganya pemakanan dan makan yang baik dan halal, hendak dapat jiran yang baik dia sendiri berusaha jadi baik, hendak rezeki berkat dijauhinya yang haram, dan sebagainya.

Dengan tawakal, seseorang itu akan direzekikan rasa kaya dengan Allah . Firman-Nya:
“Barang siapa bertawakal kepada Allah , nescaya Allah mencukupkan(keperluannya) .” (At-Thalaq: 3)

Nabi s.a.w. bersabda: “Seandainya kamu bertawakal kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar tawakal, nescaya kamu diberi rezeki seperti burung diberi rezeki, ia pagi hari lapar dan petang hari telah kenyang.” (Riwayat Ahmad, at-Tirmizi, Ibnu Majah, Ibnu Hibban, al-Hakim dari Umar bin al-Khattabr.a.)
Kesemua yang disebut di atas adalah amalan-amalan yang membawa kepada takwa. Dengan takwa, Allah akan beri “jalan keluar (dari segala perkara yang menyusahkan) , dan memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak terlintas di hatinya.” (At-Talaq: 2-3)

Pendek kata, bagi orang Islam, untuk murah rezeki dalam ertikata yang sebenarnya, kuncinya adalah buat amalan-amalan takwa. Amalan-amalan ini menjadi sebab jatuhnya kasih sayang Allah , lalu Allah limpahi hamba-Nya dengan keluasan rezeki dan rasa kaya dengan pemberian-Nya.

Senin, 13 Juni 2011



///MP3: American -

British -

2.1 Lesson Text 1:1-5 (Acts). Listen to the example.

In my first book (In my first book)

I wrote about all the things (I wrote about all the things)

that Jesus did and taught (that Jesus did and taught)

In my first book I wrote about all the things that Jesus did and taught (In my first book I wrote about all the things that Jesus did and taught)

from the time he began his work (from the time he began his work)

until the day he was taken up to heaven. (until the day he was taken up to heaven.)

Repeat each sentence.

In my first book (In my first book)

I wrote about all the things (I wrote about all the things)

that Jesus did and taught (that Jesus did and taught)

In my first book I wrote about all the things that Jesus did and taught (In my first book I wrote about all the things that Jesus did and taught)

from the time he began his work (from the time he began his work)

until the day he was taken up to heaven. (until the day he was taken up to heaven.)

from the time he began his work until the day he was taken up to heaven. (from the time he began his work until the day he was taken up to heaven.)

Before he was taken up, (Before he was taken up,)

he gave instructions (he gave instructions)

Before he was taken up, he gave instructions (Before he was taken up, he gave instructions)

by the power of the Holy Spirit (by the power of the Holy Spirit)

to the men he had chosen as his apostles. (to the men he had chosen as his apostles.)

For forty days after his death (For forty days after his death )

he appeared to them many times (he appeared to them many times)

in ways that proved beyond doubt (in ways that proved beyond doubt)

that he was alive. (that he was alive.)

in ways that proved beyond doubt that he was alive. (in ways that proved beyond doubt that he was alive.)

They saw him, (They saw him,)

and he talked with them (and he talked with them)

about the Kingdom of God. (about the Kingdom of God.)

They saw him, and he talked with them about the Kingdom of God. (They saw him, and he talked with them about the Kingdom of God.)

And when they came together, (And when they came together,)

he gave them this order: (he gave them this order:)

And when they came together, he gave them this order: (And when they came together, he gave them this order:)

Do not leave Jerusalem, (Do not leave Jerusalem,)

but wait for the gift (but wait for the gift)

I told you about, (I told you about,)

the gift my Father promised. (the gift my Father promised.)

Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised. (Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised.)

John baptized with water, (John baptized with water,)

but in a few days (but in a few days)

you will be baptized (you will be baptized)

with the Holy Spirit.

John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. (John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.)

(Lesson Text: Today's English Version, Copyright ©1992 by the ABS Used by permission. All rights reserved.)

///MP3: American -

British -

Listen to the example.

TO TALK (to talk) / She promised to talk. (She promised to talk.)

Talk. (Talk.) / Please talk. (Please talk.)

talking (talking) / He is talking. (He is talking.)

talked (talked) / it is talked (it is talked) / it was talked (it was talked) / it will be talked (it will be talked)

I talk (I talk) / he talks (he talks) / she talks (she talks) / it talks (it talks) / you talk (you talk) / we talk (we talk) / they talk (they talk)

2.2 Repeat each word (regular verbs).

2.2a TO TALK (to talk) / She promised to talk. (She promised to talk.)

Talk. (Talk.) / Please talk. (Please talk.)

talking (talking) / He is talking. (He is talking.)

talked (talked) / it is talked (it is talked) / it was talked (it was talked) / it will be talked (it will be talked)

I talk (I talk) / he talks (he talks) / she talks (she talks) / it talks (it talks) / you talk (you talk) / we talk (we talk) / they talk (they talk)

I talked (I talked) / he talked (he talked) / she talked (she talked) / it talked (it talked) / you talked (you talked) / we talked (we talked) / they talked (they talked)

I will talk (I will talk) / he will talk (he will talk) / she will talk (she will talk) / it will talk (it will talk) / you will talk (you will talk) / we will talk (we will talk) / they will talk (they will talk)

2.2b TO PROMISE (to promise) / He wanted to promise. (He wanted to promise.)

Promise. (Promise.) / Please promise. (Please promise.)

promising (promising) / I am promising it. (I am promising it.)

promised (promised) / it is promised (it is promised) / it was promised (it was promised) / it will be promised (it will be promised)

I promise (I promise) / he promises (he promises) / she promises (she promises) / it promises (it promises) / you promise (you promise) / we promise (we promise) / they promise (they promise)

I promised (I promised) / he promised (he promised) / she promised (she promised) / it promised (it promised) / you promised (you promised) / we promised (we promised) / they promised (they promised)

I will promise (I will promise) / he will promise (he will promise) / she will promise (she will promise) / it will promise (it will promise) / you will promise (you will promise) / we will promise (we will promise) / they will promise (they will promise)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.2c TO CALL (to call) / He promised to call. (He promised to call.)

Call. (Call.) / Please call. (Please call.)

calling (calling) / It is calling. (It is calling.)

called (called) / it is called (it is called) / it was called (it was called) / it will be called (it will be called)

I call (I call) / he calls (he calls) / she calls (she calls) / it calls (it calls) / you call (you call) / we call (we call) / they call (they call)

I called (I called) / he called (he called) / she called (she called) / it called (it called) / you called (you called) / we called (we called) / they called (they called)

I will call (I will call) / he will call (he will call) / she will call (she will call) / it will call (it will call) / you will call (you will call) / we will call (we will call) / they will call (they will call)

2.2d TO PROVE (to prove) / She promised to prove it. (She promised to prove it.)

Prove. (Prove.) / Please prove it. (Please prove it.)

proving (proving) / He is proving it. (He is proving it.)

proved (proved) / it is proved (it is proved) / it was proved (it was proved) / it will be proved (it will be proved)

I prove (I prove) / he proves (he proves) / she proves (she proves) / it proves (it proves) / you prove (you prove) / we prove (we prove) / they prove (they prove)

I proved (I proved) / he proved (he proved) / she proved (she proved) / it proved (it proved) / you proved (you proved) / we proved (we proved) / they proved (they proved)

I will prove (I will prove) / he will prove (he will prove) / she will prove (she will prove) / it will prove (it will prove) / you will prove (you will prove) / we will prove (we will prove) / they will prove (they will prove)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.2e TO WAIT (to wait) / He promised to wait. (He promised to wait.)

Wait. (Wait.) / Please wait. (Please wait.)

waiting (waiting) / I am waiting for it. (I am waiting for it.)

waited (waited) / it is waited (it is waited) / it was waited (it was waited) / it will be waited (it will be waited)

I wait (I wait) / he waits (he waits) / she waits (she waits) / it waits (it waits) / you wait (you wait) / we wait (we wait) / they wait (they wait)

I waited (I waited) / he waited (he waited) / she waited (she waited) / it waited (it waited) / you waited (you waited) / we waited (we waited) / they waited (they waited)

I will wait (I will wait) / he will wait (he will wait) / she will wait (she will wait) / it will wait (it will wait) / you will wait (you will wait) / we will wait (we will wait) / they will wait (they will wait)

2.2f TO DOUBT (to doubt) / He promised not to doubt. (He promised not to doubt.)

Doubt. (Doubt.) / Please don't doubt. (Please don't doubt.)

doubting (doubting) / I am doubting it. (I am doubting it.)

doubted (doubted) / it is doubted (it is doubted) / it was doubted (it was doubted) / it will be doubted (it will be doubted)

I doubt (I doubt) / he doubts (he doubts) / she doubts (she doubts) / it doubts (it doubts) / you doubt (you doubt) / we doubt (we doubt) / they doubt (they doubt)

I doubted (I doubted) / he doubted (he doubted) / she doubted (she doubted) / it doubted (it doubted) / you doubted (you doubted) / we doubted (we doubted) / they doubted (they doubted)

I will doubt (I will doubt) / he will doubt (he will doubt) / she will doubt (she will doubt) / it will doubt (it will doubt) / you will doubt (you will doubt) / we will doubt (we will doubt) / they will doubt (they will doubt)

2.2g TO ORDER (to order) / He promised to order. (He promised to order.)

Order. (Order.) / Please order. (Please order.)

ordering (ordering) / I am ordering. (I am ordering.)

ordered (ordered) / it is ordered (it is ordered) / it was ordered (it was ordered) / it will be ordered (it will be ordered)

I order (I order) / he orders (he orders) / she orders (she orders) / it orders (it orders) / you order (you order) / we order (we order) / they order (they order)

I ordered (I ordered) / he ordered (he ordered) / she ordered (she ordered) / it ordered (it ordered) / you ordered (you ordered) / we ordered (we ordered) / they ordered (they ordered)

I will order (I will order) / he will order (he will order) / she will order (she will order) / it will order (it will order) / you will order (you will order) / we will order (we will order) / they will order (they will order)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.3 Say each letter of the alphabet.

A a / B b / C c / D d / E e / F f / G g / H h / I i /

J / K k / L l / M m / N / n O o / P p / Q q / R r /

S / s / T t / U u / V v / W w / X x / Y y / Z z

2.4 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

2.4a TO BE (to be) / He promised to be good. (He promised to be good.)

Be. (Be.) / Please be good. (Please be good.)

being (being) / He is being good. (He is being good.)

X been: It is been is infrequently or never used.

I am (I am) / he is (he is) / she is (she is) / it is (it is) / you are (you are) / we are (we are) / they are (they are)

I was (I was) / he was (he was) / she was (she was) / it was (it was) / you were (you were) / we were (we were) / they were (they were)

I will be (I will be) / he will be (he will be) / she will be (she will be) / it will be (it will be) / you will be (you will be) / we will be (we will be) / they will be (they will be)

2.4b TO DO (to do) / She promised to do it. (She promised to do it.)

Do. (Do.) / Please do it. (Please do it.)

doing (doing) / She is doing it. (She is doing it.)

done (done) / it is done (it is done) / it was done (it was done) / it will be done (it will be done)

I do (I do) / he does (he does) / she does (she does) / it does (it does) / you do (you do) / we do (we do) / they do (they do)

I did (I did) / he did (he did) / she did (she did) / it did (it did) / you did (you did) / we did (we did) / they did (they did)

I will do (I will do) / he will do (he will do) / she will do (she will do) / it will do (it will do) / you will do (you will do) / we will do (we will do) / they will do (they will do)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.4c TO TEACH (to teach) / He promised to teach. (He promised to teach.)

Teach. (Teach.) / Please teach. (Please teach.)

teaching (teaching) / He is teaching. (He is teaching.)

taught (taught) / it is taught (it is taught) / it was taught (it was taught) / it will be taught (it will be taught)

I teach (I teach) / he teaches (he teaches) / she teaches (she teaches) / it teaches (it teaches) / you teach (you teach) / we teach (we teach) / they teach (they teach)

I taught (I taught) / he taught (he taught) / she taught (she taught) / it taught (it taught) / you taught (you taught) / we taught (we taught) / they taught (they taught)

I will teach (I will teach) / he will teach (he will teach) / she will teach (she will teach) / it will teach (it will teach) / you will teach (you will teach) / we will teach (we will teach) / they will teach (they will teach)

2.4d TO GIVE (to give) / He promised to give. (He promised to give.)

Give. (Give.) / Please give. (Please give.)

giving (giving) / He is giving. (He is giving.)

given (given) / it is given (it is given) / it was given (it was given) / it will be given (it will be given)

I give (I give) / he gives (he gives) / she gives (she gives) / it gives (it gives) / you give (you give) / we give (we give) / they give (they give)

I gave (I gave) / he gave (he gave) / she gave (she gave) / it gave (it gave) / you gave (you gave) / we gave (we gave) / they gave (they gave)

I will give (I will give) / he will give (he will give) / she will give (she will give) / it will give (it will give) / you will give (you will give) / we will give (we will give) / they will give (they will give)

///MP3: American -

British -

Listen to the Example.

I wrote about all that John did. (I wrote about all that John did.)

I wrote about all that John did. (I wrote about all that John did.)

I am writing about all that John did. (I am writing about all that John did.)

I am writing about all that John did. (I am writing about all that John did.)

2.5 Repeat each sentence.

2.5a I wrote about all that John did. (I wrote about all that John did.)

I wrote about all that John did. (I wrote about all that John did.)

2.5b I am writing about all that John did. (I am writing about all that John did.)

I am writing about all that John did. (I am writing about all that John did.)

2.5c I will write about all that John did. (I will write about all that John did.)

I will write about all that John did. (I will write about all that John did.)

2.5d I wrote about all that John is doing. (I wrote about all that John is doing.)

I wrote about all that John is doing. (I wrote about all that John is doing.)

2.5e I am writing about all that John is doing. (I am writing about all that John is doing.)

I am writing about all that John is doing. (I am writing about all that John is doing.)

2.5f I will write about all that John is doing. (I will write about all that John is doing.)

I will write about all that John is doing. (I will write about all that John is doing.)

2.5g I wrote about all that John will do. (I wrote about all that John will do.)

I wrote about all that John will do. (I wrote about all that John will do.)

2.5h I am writing about all that John will do. (I am writing about all that John will do.)

I am writing about all that John will do. (I am writing about all that John will do.)

2.5i I will write about all that John will do. (I will write about all that John will do.)

I will write about all that John will do. (I will write about all that John will do.)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.6 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

2.6a TO CHOOSE (to choose) / He promised to choose. (He promised to choose.)

Choose. (Choose.) / Please choose. (Please choose.)

choosing (choosing) / She is choosing. (She is choosing.)

chosen (chosen) / it is chosen (it is chosen) / it was chosen (it was chosen) / it will be chosen (it will be chosen)

I choose (I choose) / he chooses (he chooses) / she chooses (she chooses) / it chooses (it chooses) / you choose (you choose) / we choose (we choose) / they choose (they choose)

I chose (I chose) / he chose (he chose) / she chose (she chose) / it chose (it chose) / you chose (you chose) / we chose (we chose) / they chose (they chose)

I will choose (I will choose) / he will choose (he will choose) / she will choose (she will choose) / it will choose (it will choose) / you will choose (you will choose) / we will choose (we will choose) / they will choose (they will choose)

2.6b TO SEE (to see) / He promised to see it. (He promised to see it.)

See. (See.) / Please see it. (Please see it.)

seeing (seeing) / She is seeing. (She is seeing.)

seen (seen) / it is seen (it is seen) / it was seen (it was seen) / it will be seen (it will be seen)

I see (I see) / he sees (he sees) / she sees (she sees) / it sees (it sees) / you see (you see) / we see (we see) / they see (they see)

I saw (I saw) / he saw (he saw) / she saw (she saw) / it saw (it saw) / you saw (you saw) / we saw (we saw) / they saw (they saw)

I will see (I will see) / he will see (see he will see) / she will see (she will see) / it will see (it will see) / you will see (you will see) / we will see (we will see) / they will see (they will see)

2.6c TO SPEAK (to speak) / She promised to speak. (She promised to speak.)

Speak. (Speak.) / Please speak. (Please speak.)

speaking (speaking) / They are speaking. (They are speaking.)

spoken (spoken) / it is spoken (it is spoken) / it was spoken (it was spoken) / it will be spoken (it will be spoken)

I speak (I speak) / he speaks (he speaks) / she speaks (she speaks) / it speaks (it speaks) / you speak (you speak) / we speak (we speak) / they speak (they speak)

I spoke (I spoke) / he spoke (he spoke) / she spoke (she spoke) / it spoke (it spoke) / you spoke (you spoke) / we spoke (we spoke) / they spoke (they spoke)

I will speak (I will speak) / he will speak (he will speak) / she will speak (she will speak) / it will speak (it will speak) / you will speak (you will speak) / we will speak (we will speak) / they will speak (they will speak)

///MP3: American -

British -

Listen to the Example.

I wrote about all that John did. (I wrote about all that he did.)

I wrote about all that he did. (I wrote about all that he did.)

I am writing about all that John did. (I am writing about all that he did.)

I am writing about all that he did. (I am writing about all that he did.)

I will write about all that John did. (I will write about all that he did.)

I will write about all that he did. (I will write about all that he did.)

2.7 Substitute the word "he" for "John" in each sentence.

2.7a I wrote about all that John did. (I wrote about all that he did.)

I wrote about all that he did. (I wrote about all that he did.)

2.7b I am writing about all that John did. (I am writing about all that he did.)

I am writing about all that he did. (I am writing about all that he did.)

2.7c I will write about all that John did. (I will write about all that he did.)

I will write about all that he did. (I will write about all that he did.)

2.7d I wrote about all that John is doing. (I wrote about all that he is doing.)

I wrote about all that he is doing. (I wrote about all that he is doing.)

2.7e I am writing about all that John is doing. (I am writing about all that he is doing.)

I am writing about all that he is doing. (I am writing about all that he is doing.)

2.7f I will write about all that John is doing. (I will write about all that he is doing.)

I will write about all that he is doing. (I will write about all that he is doing.)

2.7g I wrote about all that John will do. (I wrote about all that he will do.)

I wrote about all that he will do. (I wrote about all that he will do.)

2.7h I am writing about all that John will do. (I am writing about all that he will do.)

I am writing about all that he will do. (I am writing about all that he will do.)

2.7i I will write about all that John will do. (I will write about all that he will do.)

I will write about all that he will do. (I will write about all that he will do.)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.8 Repeat each word (irregular verbs).

2.8a TO COME (to come) / He promised to come. (He promised to come.)

Come. (Come.) / Please come. (Please come.)

coming (coming) / We are coming. (We are coming.)

X come: It is come is infrequently or never used.

I come (I come) / he comes (he comes) / she comes (she comes) / it comes (it comes) / you come (you come) / we come (we come) / they come (they come)

I came (I came) / he came (he came) / she came (she came) / it came (it came) / you came (you came) / we came (we came) / they came (they came)

I will come (I will come) / he will come (he will come) / she will come (she will come) / it will come (it will come) / you will come (you will come) / we will come (we will come) / they will come (they will come)

2.8b TO LEAVE (to leave) / She promised to leave. (She promised to leave.)

Leave. (Leave.) / Please leave. (Please leave.)

leaving (leaving) / It is leaving. (It is leaving.)

left (left) / it is left (it is left) / it was left (it was left) / it will be left (it will be left)

I leave (I leave) / he leaves (he leaves) / she leaves (she leaves) / it leaves (it leaves) / you leave (you leave) / we leave (we leave) / they leave (they leave)

I left (I left) / he left (he left) / she left (she left) / it left (it left) / you left (you left) / we left (we left) / they left (they left)

I will leave (I will leave) / he will leave (he will leave) / she will leave (she will leave) / it will leave (it will leave) / you will leave (you will leave) / we will leave (we will leave) / they will leave (they will leave)

2.8c TO BEGIN (To begin) / She promised to begin. (She promised to begin.)

Begin. (begin.) / Please begin. (Please begin.)

beginning (beginning) / We are beginning. (We are beginning.)

begun (begun) / it is begun (it is begun) / it was begun (it was begun)

I begin (I begin) / he begins (he begins) / she begins (she begins) / it begins (it begins) / you begin (you begin) / we begin (we begin) / they begin (they begin)

I began (I began) / he began (he began) / she began (she began) / it began (it began) / you began (you began) / we began (we began) / they began (they began)

I will begin (I will begin) / he will begin (he will begin) / she will begin (she will begin) / it will begin (it will begin) / you will begin (you will begin) / we will begin (we will begin) / they will begin (they will begin)

///MP3: American -

British -

2.8d TO WRITE (to write) / He promised to write. (He promised to write.)

Write. (Write.) / Please write in the book. (Please write in the book.)

writing (writing) / He is writing. (He is writing.)

written (written) / it is written (it is written) / it was written (it was written) / it will be written (it will be written)

I write (I write) / he writes (he writes) / she writes (she writes) / it writes (it writes) / you write (you write) / we write (we write) / they write (they write)

I wrote (I wrote) / he wrote (he wrote) / she wrote (she wrote) / it wrote (it wrote) / you wrote (you wrote) / we wrote (we wrote) / they wrote (they wrote)

I will write (I will write) / he will write (he will write) / she will write (she will write) / it will write (it will write) / you will write (you will write) / we will write (we will write) / they will write (they will write)

2.8e TO TELL (to tell) / She promised to tell. (She promised to tell.)

Tell. (Tell.) / Please tell. (Please tell.)

telling (telling) / I am telling. (I am telling.)

told (told) / it is told (it is told) / it was told (it was told) / it will be told (it will be told)

I tell (I tell) / he tells (he tells) / she tells (she tells) / it tells (it tells) / you tell (you tell) / we tell (we tell) / they tell (they tell)

I told (I told) / he told (he told) / she told (she told) / it told (it told) / you told (you told) / we told (we told) / they told (they told)

I will tell (I will tell) / he will tell (he will tell) / she will tell (she will tell) / it will tell (it will tell) / you will tell (you will tell) / we will tell (we will tell) / they will tell (they will tell)

Lesson 2 English Fluency Exercise

///MP3: American -

British -

Lesson Text 1:1-5 (Acts)

In my first book I wrote about all the things that Jesus did and taught, from the time he began his work, until the day he was taken up to heaven. Before he was taken up, he gave instructions by the power of the Holy Spirit to the men he had chosen as his apostles. For forty days after his death he appeared to them many times in ways that proved beyond doubt that he was alive. They saw him, and he talked with them about the Kingdom of God. And when they came together, he gave them this order: Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised. John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

(Lesson Text: Today's English Version, Copyright ©1992 by the ABS Used by permission. All rights reserved.)





apostle (an)

appearance (an)






day, daily



exercise (an)

expression (an)


few, fewer, fewest






irregular verb

man, men



news (good news)

order (an)

person, people

power, powerful, powerfully




regular verb








to appear

to be

to be chosen

to choose

to come

to doubt

to give

to leave

to order

to promise

to prove

to substitute

to talk

to teach

to wait

to write









I wrote about the things that he taught from the time he began his work until the day he left. (1:1)

Before he left, he gave instructions to the men he had chosen. (1:2)

For forty days after it happened he appeared to them many times. (1:3)

When they came together, he gave them an order. (1:4) - Spoken English Learned Quickly - Lesson 2

Minggu, 12 Juni 2011



///MP3: American -

British -

Listen to the example.

Hello. (Hello.)

How are you? (How are you?)

Fine. (Fine.)

Fine, thank you. (Fine, thank you.)

Okay, thanks. (Okay, thanks.)

Good morning. (Good morning.)

Good afternoon. (Good afternoon.)

Good evening. (Good evening.)

Excuse me. (Excuse me.)

What time is it? (What time is it?)

It is 2 o'clock. (It is 2 o'clock.)

Thank you. (Thank you.)

My name is John. (My name is John.)

What is your name? (What is your name?)

Do you live here? (Do you live here?)

Yes, I live here. (Yes, I live here.)

Do you speak English? (Do you speak English?)

I speak a little English. (I speak a little English.)

Have you lived here long? (Have you lived here long?)

I have lived here two years. (I have lived here two years.)

Thank you. (Thank you.)

Goodbye. (Goodbye.)

1.1 Repeat each sentence.

1.1a Hello. (Hello.)

1.1b How are you? (How are you?)

1.1c Fine. (Fine.)

1.1d Fine, thank you. (Fine, thank you.)

1.1e Okay, thanks. (Okay, thanks.)

1.1f Good morning. (Good morning.)

1.1g Good afternoon. (Good afternoon.)

1.1h Good evening. (Good evening.)

1.1i Excuse me. (Excuse me.)

1.1j What time is it? (What time is it?)

1.1k It is 2 o'clock. (It is 2 o'clock.)

1.1l Thank you. (Thank you.)

1.1m My name is John. (My name is John.)

1.1n What is your name? (What is your name?)

1.1o Do you live here? (Do you live here?)

1.1p Yes, I live here. (Yes, I live here.)

1.1q Do you speak English? (Do you speak English?)

1.1r I speak a little English. (I speak a little English.)

1.1s Have you lived here long? (Have you lived here long?)

1.1t I have lived here two years. (I have lived here two years.)

1.1u Thank you. (Thank you.)

1.1v Goodbye. (Goodbye.)

///MP3: American -

British -

Listen to the example.

Hello, how are you? (Hello, how are you?)

Fine, thank you. (Fine, thank you.)

Okay, thanks. (Okay, thanks.)

Are you sick? (Are you sick?)

No, I am not sick, but I hurt my arm. (No, I am not sick, but I hurt my arm.)

Is your child sick? (Is your child sick?)

No, my child is not sick. (No, my child is not sick.)

Do you live here in the city? (Do you live here in the city?)

Yes, I live here. (Yes, I live here.)

1.2 Repeat each sentence.

1.2a Hello, how are you? (Hello, how are you?)

1.2b Fine, thank you. (Fine, thank you.)

1.2c Okay, thanks. (Okay, thanks.)

1.2d Are you sick? (Are you sick?)

1.2e No, I am not sick, but I hurt my arm. (No, I am not sick, but I hurt my arm.)

1.2f Is your child sick? (Is your child sick?)

1.2g No, my child is not sick. (No, my child is not sick.)

1.2h Do you live here in the city? (Do you live here in the city?)

1.2i Yes, I live here. (Yes, I live here.)

1.2j What kind of work do you do? (What kind of work do you do?)

1.2k I work in a store. (I work in a store.)

1.2l Do you have a phone? (Do you have a phone?)

1.2m Yes, I have a phone. (Yes, I have a phone.)

1.2n May I call you? (May I call you?)

1.2o Yes, you may call me. (Yes, you may call me.)

1.2p Thank you. Goodbye. (Thank you. Goodbye.)

1.2q Goodbye. (Goodbye.)

Listen to the Example.

Hello, how are you? (Hello, how are you?)

Hi, how are you? (Hi, how are you?)

Hello. (Hello.)

Hi. (Hi.)

Fine, thank you. (Fine, thank you.)

Fine, thanks. (Fine, thanks.)

Okay, thanks. (Okay, thanks.)

Okay. (Okay.)

How are you? (How are you?)

Fine, thanks. And you? (Fine, thanks. And you?)

Do you live here? (Do you live here?)

Do you live here in the city? (Do you live here in the city?)

Are you from this city? (Are you from this city?)

Where do you work? (Where do you work?)

What kind of work do you do? (What kind of work do you do?)

What do you do? (What do you do?)

1.3 Repeat each sentence.

1.3a Hello, how are you? (Hello, how are you?)

Hi, how are you? (Hi, how are you?)

Hello. (Hello.)

Hi. (Hi.)

1.3b Fine, thank you. (Fine, thank you.)

Fine, thanks. (Fine, thanks.)

Okay, thanks. (Okay, thanks.)

Okay. (Okay.)

1.3c How are you? (How are you?)

Fine, thanks. And you? (Fine, thanks. And you?)

1.3d Do you live here? (Do you live here?)

Do you live here in the city? (Do you live here in the city?)

Are you from this city? (Are you from this city?)

1.3e Where do you work? (Where do you work?)

What kind of work do you do? (What kind of work do you do?)

What do you do? (What do you do?)

1.3f Where do you live? (Where do you live?)

1.3g What is your address? (What is your address?)

1.3h Is this your current address? (Is this your current address?)

1.3i Do you have a phone? (Do you have a phone?)

May I call you? (May I call you?)

Can I reach you by phone? (Can I reach you by phone?)

1.3j May I see your driver's license? (May I see your driver's license?)

Do you have any ID? (Do you have any ID?)

May I see some personal identification? (May I see some personal identification?)

///MP3: American -

British -

1.4 Say your name after each sentence.

1.4a My name is ________________. (My name is ________________.)

1.4b Hello, my name is ________________. (Hello, my name is ________________.)

1.4c Hi, my name is ________________. (Hi, my name is ________________.)

1.4d I'm glad to know you. My name is ________________. (I'm glad to know you. My name is ________________.)

1.5 Repeat each number.

0 [zero] / 1 [one] / 2 [two] / 3 [three] / 4 [four] / 5 [five] / 6 [six] /

7 [seven] / 8 [eight] / 9 [nine] / 10 [ten] / 11 [eleven] / 12 [twelve] / 13 [thirteen] /

14 [fourteen] / 15 [fifteen] 16 [sixteen] / 17 [seventeen] / 18 [eighteen] / 19 nineteen] /

20 [twenty] / 30 [thirty] / 40 [forty] / 50 [fifty] / 60 [sixty] / 70 [seventy] / 80 [eighty] /

90 [ninety] / 100 [one hundred] / 1,000 [one thousand] (1,000)

1.6 Repeat each sentence.

1.6a Is this an emergency? (Is this an emergency?)

1.6b This is an emergency. (This is an emergency.)

This is not an emergency. (This is not an emergency.)

1.6c This is a medical emergency. (This is a medical emergency.)

This is not a medical emergency. (This is not a medical emergency.)

1.6d Please call 911. (Please call 911.)

Call the police. (Call the police.)

Call an ambulance. (Call an ambulance.)

Call the fire department. (Call the fire department.)

1.6e Please help me. (Please help me.)

Help me. (Help me.)

Help. (Help.)

1.6f I am hurt. (I am hurt.)

I'm hurt. (I'm hurt.)

I'm not hurt. (I'm not hurt.)

1.6g My car will not start. (My car will not start.)

My car won't start. (My car won't start.)

My car is out of gas. (My car is out of gas.)

Where is the closest gas station? (Where is the closest gas station?)

1.6h What is your license number? (What is your license number?)

1.6i My child is sick. (My child is sick.)

My arm is hurt. (My arm is hurt.)

My wife is sick. (My wife is sick.)

My husband is hurt. (My husband is hurt.)

1.6j Which hospital do you want to go to? (What hospital do you want to go to?)

1.6k Do you have insurance? (Do you have insurance?)

What is your health card number? (What is your health card number?)

1.6l How do you want to pay? (How do you want to pay?)

Will you pay with cash? (Will you pay with cash?)

Will you pay by check? (Will you pay by check?)

Will you pay with a credit card? (Will you pay with a credit card?)

1.6m How much will this cost? (How much will this cost?)

I do not have that much money. (I do not have that much money.)

1.6n Which bus do I take? (Which bus do I take?)

Is this the right bus stop? (Is this the right bus stop?)

Where is the closest bus stop? (Where is the closest bus stop?)

1.6o Where can I find ? (Where can I find ?)

You will find it there. (You will find it there.)

1.6p Is the office open? (Is the office open?)

No, the office is closed. (No, the office is closed.)

When will the office open? (When will the office open?)

It will open at 8:30. (It will open at 8:30.)

///MP3: American -

British -

1.7 Say each letter of the alphabet.

A a / B b / C c / D d / E e / F f / G g / H h / I i /

J / K k / L l / M m / N / n O o / P p / Q q / R r /

S / s / T t / U u / V v / W w / X x / Y y / Z z

1.8 Repeat each sentence.

1.8a Can you tell me where the store is? (Can you tell me where the store is?)

1.8b Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Can you tell me where the bathroom is?)

1.8c Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Can you tell me where to find groceries?)

1.8d How much does it cost? (How much does it cost?)

1.8e How much do I owe you? (How much do I owe you?)

1.8f What time is it? (What time is it?)

Listen to the example.

Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?)

Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?)

Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?)

Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?)

Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?)

Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?)

How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?)

Excuse me. How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?)

1.9 Repeat each sentence after saying, "Excuse me."

1.9a Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?)

Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the store is?)

1.9b Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?)

Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where the bathroom is?)

1.9c Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?)

Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries? (Excuse me. Can you tell me where to find groceries?)

1.9d How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?)

Excuse me. How much does it cost? (Excuse me. How much does it cost?)

1.9e How much do I owe you? (Excuse me. How much do I owe you?)

Excuse me. How much do I owe you? (Excuse me. How much do I owe you?)

1.9f What time is it? (Excuse me. What time is it?)

Excuse me. What time is it? (Excuse me. What time is it?)

1.9g Is this an emergency? (Excuse me. Is this an emergency?)

Excuse me. Is this an emergency? (Excuse me. Is this an emergency?)

1.9h Do you have a driver's license? (Excuse me. Do you have a driver's license?)

Excuse me. Do you have a driver's license? (Excuse me. Do you have a driver's license?)

1.9i Is your arm hurt? (Excuse me. Is your arm hurt?)

Excuse me. Is your arm hurt? (Excuse me. Is your arm hurt?)

1.9j Where is the closest bus stop? (Excuse me. Where is the closest bus stop?)

Excuse me. Where is the closest bus stop? (Excuse me. Where is the closest bus stop?)

///MP3: American -

British -

1.10 Answer each question.

1.10a What is your name? (My name is ______________.)

1.10b Where do you live?(I live in [city] ______________.)

1.10c What is your address? (My address is ______________.)

1.10d What is your phone number? (My phone number is [area code] ______________.)

1.10e Where do you work? (I work at ______________.)

1.10f What kind of work do you do? (I'm a[n] ______________.)

1.10g What is your work phone number? (My work phone number is [area code] ______________.)

1.10h What is your license number? (My license number is ______________.)


a (an)

address (an)




am (to be)

ambulance (an)


any, anything

are (to be)

area code (an)

arm (an)




bus stop



call (to call)






child, children


close, closer, closest, closely


credit card

current, currently



do (to do)

does (to do)

driver's license


emergency (an)


evening (an)


excuse me

fine (good)


fire department



gas (gasoline)

gas station

glad, gladly


good afternoon

good evening

good morning



have (to have)


health card (number)

hello (hi)

help (to help)


hi (hello)




how much

hurt (to hurt)



I am (I'm) (to be)





is (to be)







license (number)

listen (to listen)

little, littler, littlest

live (to live)

long, longer, longest










no, not




office (an)

okay (OK)

open, openly


personal identification

phone (number) (telephone)




reach (to reach)

repeat (to repeat)


see (to see)



sick, sicker, sickest

some, something

speak (to speak)


stop (to stop)


thank you (thanks)

thanks (thank you)






to answer

to be (am, is, are, was, were)

to be closed

to be glad

to be hurt

to be open

to be out of

to be sick

to begin

to call

to cost

to do

to find

to go

to have

to help

to know

to listen

to live

to open

to owe

to pay

to question

to reach

to repeat

to say (saying)

to see

to speak

to start

to stop

to take

to tell

to use

to want

to will

to work




was (to be)


were (to be)






will not (won't) (to will)



work (to work)



you, your

911 = The medical, fire and police emergency phone number for any city in the U.S.A - Spoken English Learned Quickly - Lesson 1

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011


Latar Belakang

Revitalisasi kinerja guru , memperketat persyaratan dalam karir profesi di bidang keguruan.
Amanat UU Nomor 14 Thn 2005, PP Nomor 19Tahun 2005, dan PP No. 74 Tahun 2008  yaitu guru wajib memiliki kualifikasi akademik &kompetensi sebagai agen pembelajaran sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (SNP).

Dalam keprofesionalannya guru berhak mendapatkan tunjangan yang ada( tunjangan Khusus / tunjangan profesi ) untuk PNS satu kali gaji sedangkan GBPNS diberikan sesuai dengan kesetaraan tingkat, masa kerja & kualifikasi akademik yg berlaku bagi guru PNS

Dasar Hukum

UU No. 20 Thn 2003 tentang Sisdiknas.
UU No. 14 Thn 2005 tentang Guru & Dosen.
PP No. 19 Thn 2005 tentang SNP.
PP No. 74 Thn 2008 tentang Guru.
Perpres No. 47 Thn 2009 tentang Pembentukan
&Organisasi Kementerian Negara.
Perpres No 9 Th. 2005 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas,Fungsi, Susunan Organisasi, & Tata Kerjakementerian Negara Republik Indonesiadiubah terakhir dgn Perpres No. 94 Th.2006
Keppres No. 87 Thn 1999 tentang Rumpun JabatanFungsional Pegawai Negeri Sipil.
Keppres No. 84/P Th. 2009 mengenai Pembentukan Kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II.
PP No. 41 Thn 2009 tentang Tunj. Profesi Guru&Dosen, Tunj. Khusus Guru & Dosen, sertaTunj. Kehormatan Profesor.

Permendiknas No.22 Thn 2010 ttg Perubahan atas Permendiknas no 47 th 2007
Inpassing  GBPNS  adalah  proses  penyetaraan  jabatan & kepangkatan GBPNS
dengan jabatan & kepangkatan Guru PNS.GBPNS( guru bukan pegawai negeri sipil).


-     Kualifikasi akademik minimal S-1 / D-IV;

-     Guru tetap pada TK/TKLB/RA/BA / satuan pendidikan formal lainnya yg sederajat;SD/SDB/MI / satuan pendidikan formal lainnya yang sederajat; SMP/SMPLB/MTs/ satuan pendidikan formal lainnya yg sederajat; &SMA/SMK/SMALB/MA/MAK/ satuan pendidikan formal lainnya yg sederajat;

-      Masa kerja min. 2 (dua) tahun secara terus menerus pada 1 (satu) satuan pendidikan pada tgl 30 Desember  2007, &masih aktif melaksanakan tugas sebagai guru sampai saat ini;

-      Usia setinggi-tingginya 59 tahun pada saat diusulkan.

-      Memiliki NUPTK yang dikeluarkan oleh Kemdiknas.

-      Memiliki beban kerja minimal 24 jam tatap   muka/minggu dengan ketentuan: minimal 6 jam tatap muka pada satminkal.

  Melampirkan syarat-syarat administratif :

1.Fotokopi surat keputusan pengangkatan sbg GT oleh:1)  Pemerintah  dilegalisasi  oleh  pejabat  Kantor Kemenag bagaian guru  madrasah/atasan  yg  menangani  pendidikan  bagi guru yang bertugas di SILN;2)  Pemda dilegalisasi  pejabat dinas  yg menangani urusanpendidikan jalur formal;3)  Penyelenggara  pendidikan  dilegalisasi  oleh  ketua  badanhukum penyelenggara pendidikan;4)  Satuan  pendidikan  negeri  dilegalisasi  oleh  pejabat dinas ygmenangani  urusan  pendidikan kab/kota/pejabat  Kntr Kemenag Kab/Kota ssuai kewenangannya; 5) Satuan  pendidikan  yg  diselenggarakan  oleh masyaraktdilegalisasi oleh ketua badan hukum penyelenggara penddkn.

2. Fotokopi  ijazah  terakhir yg dilegalisasi oleh pejabat ygberwenang sesuai  ketentuan  yg  berlaku  (Perguruan  Tinggi(PT)/Lembaga Pendidikan  Tenaga  Kependidikan  (LPTK)  ygmenerbitkan  ijazah  dimaksud).c. Keterangan  asli  dr  kepala  sekolah/madrasah  bahwa  ygbersangkutan  aktif  melakukan  kegiatan  prosespembelajaran /pembimbingan pd satminkal guru ygbersangkutan.d. Fotokopi  sertifikat  pendidik  bagi  yg  sudah memiliki,  &dilegalisasi oleh pejabat yg berwenang sesuai ketentuan ygberlaku (PT/LPTK yg menerbitkan sertifikat pendidikdimaksud).

3.  Fotokopi  Surat  Keputusan  Kepala  Sekolah/Madrasah  tentang pembagian  tugas  mengajar  yg  menunjukkan  bahwa  GBPNS yang bersangkutan memiliki  beban  kerja  sekurang-kurangnya  24jam    tatap muka perminggu  bagi  guru  kelas & guru  matapelajaran/mengampu bimbingan & konseling paling sedikit 150siswa pertahun bagi guru Bimbingan & Konseling, yg dilegalisasioleh pejabat Dinas Pendidikan/Kantor  Kemenag  Kab/Kota.  Bagiguru yg mengajar  6  jam mengajar  pd satminkal,  utk kekurangan  18 jam  mengajar  juga  harus  melampirkan

Surat Keputusan  dari  kepala   sekolah/Madrasah  lain  tentang  pembagian   tugas  mengajar  guru  yg bersangkutan.

4. Fotokopi  Surat  Keputusan  pengangkatan  sbg    kepalasekolah/madrasah, wakil kepala   sekolah/madrasah, kepalalaboratorium, kepala  perpustakaan  atau sejenisnya,  ygdilegalisasi  oleh  pejabat  Dinas Pendidikan/Kantor Kemenag  Kabupaten Kota/Provinsi setempat.

5. Fotokopi bukti memiliki NUPTK


Inpassing  Jabatan  Fungsional GBPNS &  Angka  Kreditnya  dilakukan dengan  menggunakan tata cara :

a. Menghitung masa kerja GBPNS yg bersangkutan terhitung sejak 
diangkat sebagai GT pada satuan pendidikan yang diselenggarakan  oleh pemerintah, pemda, & yayasan/masyarakat penyelenggara pendidikan

Masa kerja GBPNS diperhitungkan dengan  satuan tahun penuh. Misalnya, GBPNS yang memiliki masa kerja 10 thn 6 bulan,dihitung 10 tahun, sedang yg memiliki masa kerja 10 tahun 7 bulan, dihitung11 tahun

 Kelebihan masa kerja 6 bulan diperhitungkan untuk kesetaraan kenaikan jabatan berikutnya, sedang masa kerja 7-11 bulan yg sudah dihitung pembulatannya ke atas, tidak lagi diperhitungkan untuk kesetaraan kenaikan jabatan berikutnya

Berdasarkan  kualifikasi  akademik &masa  kerja  GBPNS yang  bersangkutan,ditetapkan  jenjang  jabatan  fungsional guru tersebut & angka  kreditnya  dengan menggunakan  tabel  konversi  pada Lampiran  4.

Contoh penetapan jenjang jabatan fungsional GBPNS & Angka Kreditnya disajikan pada Lampiran 5.g.  Dengan memperhatikan kualifikasi akademik & masa kerja GBPNS yang bersangkutan, ditetapkan jenjang JabatanFungsional GBPNS & Angka Kreditnya menggunakan Format 4 (Lampiran 4).

Guru adalah tenaga profesional   yg menurut UU Nomor  14 Th.  2005  tentang  Guru  & Dosen  harus  memiliki  kualifikasi  akademik minimal S-1  atau D-IV.

PNS dengan  kualifikasi akademik  S1  dengan  masa  kerja  0  tahun,  menurut Keputusan  Menteri  Pemberdayaan  Aparatur  NegaraNomor  84/1993  memiliki  jabatan fungsional  Guru  Madya dengan  golongan/ruang  III/a.  Dalam  rangka  kesetaraan  jabatan fungsional & golongan/ruang  GBPNS  dengan  Guru PNS,maka  jenjang  jabatan  fungsional  GBPNS  hasil  inpassing minimal Guru Madya  (III/a)  dan maksimal Guru Pembina(IV/a). Dengan  demikian  jenjang  jabatan  fungsional  GBPNS hasil  inpassing adalah: 1)  Guru Madya,  2)  Guru Madya Tk.I, 3)  Guru Dewasa, 4)  Guru Dewasa Tk.I, atau  5)  Guru Pembina.
angka  kredit  kumulatif  terendah  hasil  inpassing yangg diperoleh  GBPNS adalah III/a & tertinggi IV/a.
3.  Bagi  GBPNS  yg  sudah  memiliki  sertifikat pendidik  wajib  mengajukan inpassing jabatan fungsional & angka kreditnya sesuai  peruntukan/bidang studi  sertifikat  pendidik  yang  dimilikinya,meskipun  jurusan/program studi  ijazah  S-1/D-IV yang  dimilikinya  berbeda  dengan  sertifikat pendidik/bidang  yg  menjadi  tugasnya.Permohonan  inpassing  jabatan fungsional  & angka kredit  GBPNS  harus  ditolak  jika  berbeda dengan peruntukan sertifikat pendidiknya.

Angka kredit hasil inpassing GBPNS,berdasarkan kualifikasi akademik & masa kerja,  dikurangi  25  point  angka  kredit apabila  GBPNS  yg bersangkutan mengalami miss-match. GBPNS dinyatakan mis-match apabila tidak memiliki sertifikat pendidik &
 ijazah  yg  dimiliki  dari  PT  LPTK,  tetapi tidak  sesuai  dgn  bidang tugas mengajarnya  ; atau  ijazah  yg  dimiliki  dari  PT  Non  LPTK  tidak sesuai  bidang  tugas mengajar.
Angka kredit hasil inpassing GBPNS,berdasarkan kualifikasi akademik & masa kerja  tidak  dikurangi  bila  GBPNS  yang bersangkutan  memiliki sertifikat pendidik, & mengajukan inpassing jabatan fungsional & angka kreditnya  sesuai peruntukan sertifikat pendidiknya
GBPNS yg diangkat sebagai guru tetap berdasarkan kualifikasi akademik SLTA atau  yg  sederajat,  & yang  bersangkutan memperoleh  ijazah sarjana  (S1)  setelahyg bersangkutan mempunyai  masa  kerja5  thn atau  lebih  pada  satminkal  yang  sama,maka masa  kerja  kumulatif  dalam penetapan inpassing dikurangi 5 tahun.
GBPNS yg diangkat sebagai guru tetap berdasarkan kualifikasi  akademik SLTA  atau yang  sederajat, & yang  bersangkutan memperoleh  ijazah sarjana  (S1)  sebelum  yan gbersangkutan mempunyai masa  kerja  5  th pada  satminkal  yang  sama, maka masa  kerja kumulatif  dalam  penetapan inpassing diperhitungkan  sejak  yang  bersangkutan memperoleh  ijazah sarjana (S1) tersebut.

 GBPNS yg diangkat sebagai  guru tetap berdasarkan kualifikasi akademik D-III/A-III/yang sederajat, & yg bersangkutan memperoleh  ijazah sarjana  (S1)  setelah yang  bersangkutan mempunyai  masa  kerja 2  th /lebih  pada  satminkal  yang  sama, maka masa  kerja  kumulatif  dalam penetapan inpassing dikurangi 2 tahun.

Pejabat yang berwenang menetapkan inpassing :

a.Menteri  Agama , untuk  jabatan  fungsional Guru Madya s/d Guru Pembina;
b.  Sekretaris Jenderal Kemenag utk jabatanfungsional Guru Madya s/d Guru Pembina;
c.  Kepala  Biro  Kepegawaian  Kemenag  atasnama  Menteri Agama  utk jabatan  fungsionalGuru  Madya  s/d Guru Pembina;
d.  Kepala Bagian/Kepala Sub Bagian pd BiroKepegawaian Kemenag  atas  nama  MenteriAgama  utk    jabatan  fungsional  Guru Madya s/d Guru Dewasa.

1.Penetapan  Inpassing  Jabatan  Fungsional  GBPNS & Angka Kreditnya mulai  berlaku  terhitung  tanggal  1  Oktober  2007s/d 30 Desember 2011.

           GBPNS  yg  telah  ditetapkan  jabatan  fungsional  & Angka Kreditnya, apabila yg bersangkutan diangkat menjadi PNS,maka  jabatan  fungsional & angka  kreditnya  yg  telah  dimiliki tidak  dapat digunakan dlm pengangkatan pertama sbg guru PNS.

3.  Untuk  mempercepat  penyelesaian  Inpassing,  pedoman  ini  perlu disosialisasikan  secara optimal  kepada  semua  pihak  terkait,terutama GBPNS  &  yayasan/penyelenggara  satuan pendidikan.  Dalam pelaksanaan  sosialisasi  itu,  Dinas Pendidikan  Kabupaten/  Kota/  Provinsi & Kantor KemenagKab/Kota/Provinsi dapat melibatkan BMPS/ organisasi/lembaga pada  masyarakat yang bergerak di bid. pendidikan & pembinaanGBPNS yang ada di daerah setempat.